DIY Calming spray with Lavender & Melissa
DIY Calming spray with Lavender & Melissa

Easy DIY natural spray you can use anywhere

The aroma of lavender is one of the best known. Lavender has a calming effect, reduces the feeling of anxiety and stress, balances emotions and helps to achieve inner balance and harmony.

Melissa also has a calming aroma, and the essential oil is known as the oil with the strongest sedative effect on the central nervous system.

In combination, lavender and melissa will contribute to more harmony, balance and tranquility. Our recipe for an all-natural aromatic spray with lavender and melissa, which you can use anywhere.


You will need:

100ml floral water from lavender
3 drops of lemon balm essential oil
50ml distilled water



Мix all ingredients in a bottle with a spray pump. Shake well before use. Lavender and balm will stimulate better and more restful sleep, you can use this spray on sheets, pillows and pajamas.

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